Is possible a strong and generalist AI indistinguishable from humans? Cloud Roboting

From Turing Test point of view (1950), in my opinion a strong and generalist intelligence and behaviour like humans is possible using up a critical number of specialized AI tools, aplications and “bricks”.

Humans we are considered intelligent from the time we used specialized tools, and the machine tools for robots growing exponentially are now in the "Cloud" (Cloud Computing), which are scalable and can give service to thousands (millions) of robots as Google search engine or Twitter provides service for many milions of humans.

As in 1989 was "invented" the WWW, which growed and progressively popularized in second half of 90's years of last century, a phenomenon that nobody predicted, and this is the high level layer aplicaction for humans over low layer protocols TCP/IP created in 60's years of last century for military purposes.

Now it's time to create a new high level layer aplication for robots and machines over the same TCP/IP basic protocols than WWW with thousands (milions) of specialized tools which I call "bricks of AI" which have to been integrated with intelligence & interdisciplinary methodology, and using standards for structuring information, as XML, upoading robot caaptured images, videos , sending all magnitudes capturated by sensors, missions & orders, etc. to the cloud and obtaining an instant response "on demand". Something similar like WWW thinked only for humans, not robots .

The big oportunity as important as WWW in 90’s is NOW because these reasons:
  1. Mobile new technologies (Smartphones) are mature and growing exponentially in features, delay times and bandwith with wifi (indor robots) or 3G, 4G, 5G (outside home robots). Smartphones are already produced in large scale and are commodities, so prices will decrease. (Client side=cheap robot = AI cloud-robots become popular)
  2. Cloud Computing technologies are mature and growing exponentially (server side = millions of expert, learning, NLP, etc. AI tools or "bricks" for hard process and quick calculations and access to big data, correlations of patterns with media data for Artificial Vision, voice recognition, etc)

The big oportunity is for everybody:
  • Key players for image, video and voice recognition: Google, Apple, Microsoft…
  • Startups and entrepeneurs with a high knowhow of specific field of knowledge and a “brick” of human behavior.
  • Middle tech companies,
  • Open Source community
  • AI institutes and university and research departments (AI discipline exists from 1956, and they have had varying success in so many years in a lot of specific fields)

Examples of  thousands (milions?) of specialized tools very intelligent in their specialization and absolutely silly and stupid  in other tasks:
  • RTS (Robot Tools Server) for redirecting each machine or robot to the optime specialized cloud tool (like DNS in WWW) for complete a mission.
  • Expert tools: chess (Deep Blue machine won the human world champion Kasparov on 1987, 25 years ago), psicology, emotional intelligence, loyer, languages, empathy, medical, history, mycology, weather, etc…
  • Prediction tools.
  • Technic tools/big data: Artificial vision for recogition of thousands of objects with milions of patterns hosted in the Cloud. Voice recognition, Semantic recognition. Machines will upload their images,videos & sounds to the cloud as nowadays a simple smartphone already does into a social network.
  • Downloading specilized programs and firmware “on demand” tools for client side (robots)
  • Learning tools: the robots can learn from their own past experience depending on if a past mission failed or ended with success, memory, knowhow, etc and store all this information on the cloud. A human from his born is always learning from it's own experience and delays 18 years in adquiring a bit of maturity, and more than 30 years in working professionally with solvency and experience... lets give the same time to strong and generalist AI cloud robots and machines.

All this "AI bricks"  in the cloud will give soon (5 years or less) to a machine the chance to pass Turing Test of AI, and the social changes may be dramatic when will not exist any difference for everybody between the intelligence of a human and the intelligence of a machine or personal robot from Turing Test point of view. And even more with a superhuman (transhuman) intelligence.

I call this strong and generaalist AI new concept as "CLOUD ROBOTING" and in my opinion is inevitable and the logic next step after WWW , Web 2.0, Cloud Computing  and emerging mobile technologies.
This new high level aplication layer over TCP/IP basic protocols  for machines (AI “bricks” or tools) will produce the first Technological Singularity of the history of the human civilization in these times of accelerated changes that we usually perceive them as linear, and make cloud-robots really popular and usefully as the ideal practical tools or the best friends for humans, ideal for resolving global problems.

Action is urgently needed in the education of our children.
In a world where everything changes rapidly and exponentially: technology and its social effects, where everything is "terra incognita", which makes absolute sense is to teach values.

Toni Ferraté, Founder & CEO of RO-BOTICA. Cloud Robotics visionary & concept definer


  1. It is possible that the WWW, in coordinating the knowledge and perception of millions of humans, could result in collective behaviour which has superhuman intelligence, but is not artificial. Human-like AI may be possible and, when there is one intelligent robot, the WWW could do the same for robots, but why should an unstructured cloud of siris lead to anything more than very siri behaviour?

  2. Hi Andrew, thanks for your comment.

    In my opinion thousands (milions?) of specialized AI tools (aplications) not in WWW but in a specific aplication layer for robots, integrated in Cloud Computing like those explained in my article, can provide in a near future to a cheap and popular cloud-robot or machine with a client "brain" not more complex than a smatphone a strong and generalist inteligence and behaviour from a point of view that will be indistinguishable from human inteligenge and behaviour (Turing Test), using "on demand" the optimum cloud tools in order to complete every mission ordered to robots by humans.

    Other issue is the relation between humans and strong & generalist AI machines and robots in the WWW (thinked and created as tools for humans), or in the real world.

    Is a project so ambitious and big as WWW and Web 2.0 and mobile technologies so it could give job to milions of people like WWW did and does, and with a hard social impact to all humanity civilization (Singularity).

    Let's create Cloud Robotics aplication high level layer now!

  3. The main purpose of emotions is not giving us pleasure, but to provide information, tell us and robots what is important for humans and robots.

    Human and robot ability to recognize and appreciate the Qualitative components of existence will be a reality very soon. Appreciation of Beauty, Love, Music will be a reality in 5 years or less from Turing Test point of view. Is required to implement now the correct "AI consciousness bricks", a high level layer specialized applications over basic internet protocols TCP/IP in CLOUD ROBOTICS for cheap, popular, intelligent, empathic, social, mass production, and emotional personal cloud-robots, the best friends and usefully tools of their human owner's which they will provide feedback to their cloud-robots for changing their own state and learn for changing their future behaviour.

    That to me would indicate consciousness.

    Consciousness is a social phenomenon and not introspective one (=Descarts). If you transmit power and security for survive or adapt, you receive feedback from others = changes your internal state = consciousness of being. Is consistent with the Theory of Evolution of Species by Natural Selection and is writen in our DNA.

    Genetics *predisposes*, and culture, education, weather, circumstances, health, etc. *disposes*

    In my opinion neither robots nor humans (that we are not so different from machines, we haven't nothing of "celestial" in NDA or brain), can’t control the things that happen to #robots and humans, but you can control the way they REACT to them. Let's create #Cloud #Robots for #AI, the ROBOLUTION.


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